Monday, July 28, 2014

When You Wish Upon A Star Disney Blog Party Tag

Hey everyone! Welcome to the start of the When You Wish Upon A Star Disney blog party! So, opening up the party is the tag!

1. Why do you love Disney?
2. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
3. Who is your favorite Disney female character?
4. Who is your favorite Disney prince?
5. Who is your favorite Disney male character?
6. Who is your favorite Disney Villain?
7. What is/are your favorite Disney Song(s)?
8. What is your favorite Disney Movie?
9. What was the first Disney movie that you saw (or remember for that matter!)?
10. Do you prefer the older Disney movies or the newer ones? 
11. Tangled or Frozen? (Mwaaahhhaaahhaaa! ;))
12. Favorite Disney Pixar Movie? 

So, I know that a lot of these will be hard for you to answer (Specifically looking at 3, 7, 8, 9 and 11) but I'm curious and I would love to know! I know this is a small post, but bigger ones are coming!

Now, there are three tournament games coming up. The first on begins in two days! All the rules and such will be on each post. *Note* For the games when you comment your answers, they WILL NOT be published, so don't worry if you comment doesn't appear. I will write down your answers and total up your points. The reason why I won't show your comment, is to keep the games fair. Anyone is welcome to participate, even if you don't particularly write a post. I'll still write down your name on the names of the contestants. Another thing, don't fret if you don't have a blog. Anonymous users can play and participate as long as you put some sort of name that I can recognize you by. 

 Tata, au revior, all those fancy goodbyes! 

I Can't Wait To See Your Answers! 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Surrender The Night by MaryLu Tyndall

Oh yay! I LOVED THIS BOOK! It kept me occupied and I just couldn't put it down. I was so into it that (Funny story coming up) I was making dinner and preheating the oven. There's a timer on the oven and I kept pushing the actual "off" button on the oven instead of the timer "off". Therefore I restarted the oven about three or four times. I finally had to force myself to put the book up until dinner and watering the garden and plants were done. Do you KNOW how painful that is? But, yeah. My sister thought that I was crazy. Anyways, this book is the reason I ended up reading the Surrender To Destiny series. And before you ask, I didn't put two in two about Alex together. I mean, I am an idiot. It bluntly states his name on the back of this book and yet I didn't make the connection with the first book.  I screamed when I made the connection. Well, more of a fangirl shriek/squeal/happy mix of both in a scream.

Rose McGuire is a young girl, well a tomboy, who lives with her Aunt and Uncle on their small farm in  Baltimore. She is a headstrong girl with a grudge against the British, for all the right reasons. But when a Lieutenant comes on her farm to take advantage of her, she thinks that all hope is lost. But when Lieutenant Alexander Reed comes to her aid, Rose is stunned. What Alex didn't expect, was to kill his superior. What he also didn't expect, was to be fatally shot in the thigh. Rose finds it to be her duty to hide and heal Alex in return for saving her life. But it proves to be a difficult task to hide him from her family, friends, city folks and the man who is determined to make her his wife.

Rose McGuire: protagonist
Alexander Reed: protagonist
Forbes Drummond: Rose's Uncle and a reverend
Muira Drummond: Rose's Aunt
Amelia: Rose's maid
Mr. Snyder: Man set on marrying Rose

That pretty much covers that characters. Noah, Marianne, Daniel, Blackthorn and Luke also make appearances in the book. Can I just say, I love it when the protagonists hate each other. I mean, it that terrible to say? I just love it. But this pair, well, Rose is so angry at the British for taking everything dear from her that she can't help but hate Alex. Alex, on the other hand, finds himself falling for a woman who can never be his. After all, she hates him and he must return to his ship, or be labeled as a deserter and be hung. Rose covers his identity by "hiring" him and hopes that he will return to his ship as soon as possible and all that had happened would be a distant memory. Well, she hadn't counted on falling in love with him.

This book. This Book. THIS BOOK. I loved this book. I don't think that I have ever loved the male protagonist as much as I love Alex. Why? I have NO CLUE. I mean, all male protagonists are great and all, but Alex. Why do I love Alex so much? I'll never understand. With all his "annoying" amused grins and mock bows AND a British accent. But I did. This book kept me on the edge of my seat. I had to finish it. The hidden romance between them, I mean, it can't get any better than that. And how heroic of Alex to do all that he does! I love him so much. He's kind, he's a gentleman, despite being British he still doesn't care for the way that his people are treating the Americans at all. Even with a war going on, Alex doesn't think that what his people are doing is right.

Rating: 9.8 stars out of 10.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Surrender The Heart By MaryLu Tyndall

Hullo everyone! So, lately, I've been ignoring my summer reading list to read more of MaryLu (M.L.) Tyndall's books. I recently stumbled across her blog Cross and Cutlass and found out about her book Surrender The Night. Now, unfortunately again, this was the second book in a series of three, therefore I had to read the first book first. Which I am so glad that I did. Or else book two wouldn't have made too much sense at all.

Marianne Denton is a woman with a mission. She must marry a man to unlock her inheritance. Problem? How about the fact that her fiancé, Noah Brenin, is the same man who, as a little boy taunted her. And even worse, he has no interest in her. He doesn't even like her to be honest. But when he abandons her at their own engagement party, Marianne has had enough. She follows him aboard his merchantman and accidentally stows away. But that's not the worst part. They end up getting impressed on a British Navy ship. Yay! NOT.

So Marianne is a good character. I still have to say that I like Hope from The Blue Enchantress better. Marianne has had her past and as usual, has turned her back on God. Noah, is a man who bears the shame of a tragic accident from long ago. He always is trying to please his father but to no avail. I liked Noah a lot. I really did.

Marianne Denton- protagonist
Noah Brenin- protagonist
Luke Heaton- Noah's first mate
Lieutenant James Garrick- protagonist (UGH)
Lieutenant Alexander Reed- Side character/good guy/bad guy (SQUEAL)
Captain Milford- British Captain/protagonist?/mad
Blackthorn- protagonist/also impressed
Daniel- protagonist (plays a big role in the book with his prophecies)

So this is pretty much the character list. I have to say, though I loved Marianne and Noah to pieces, I loved Blackthorn and Daniel better. Annnnndddddd I absolutely loved Alex (Lieutenant Reed). He was one of those characters, in which I'll describe like I describe my love of William from Donwton Abbey. He was just that character, that when I "met" him, I loved him despite him being the "enemy" (William's not an enemy, but hopefully you get the point). Seriously, I loved him. I stayed up until half an hour after midnight to finish it. SPOILER: He proved to be a good man after all. Can't share all the secrets, though. You'll have to read it and find out.

Rating: 8.5 stars out of 10

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Bring In The Books: The Raven Saint by M. L. Tyndall

The Raven Saint is the third and last book out of the Charles Towne Belles series. It follows the youngest Wescott sister, Grace, on an adventure, involving kidnap, ministry and romance. Grace is kidnapped by French mercenary, Rafe Dubois, after she goes off to help a family in need. She is betrayed by her servant and handed over to Rafe. Once on the ship, she is informed that she will be sold to a Spanish Don in Columbia. Amidst all of this, Grace still tries to cling to her faith, but is faced with turmoil and her own human weakness. But above all the bad things that have/will happen to her, nothing could be worse than falling for her kidnapper.

The book was just as good as I thought it would be. I loved it, completely. Though all of the three books in the series are nearly completely alike, with the characters, it was still a great read. Rafe is a man who is by no means, a gentleman. He drinks often, is all over any kind of woman, and expect the affections returned. He's suffered a terrible cruel past concerning his father and an old lover. But when he meets Grace, she is nothing like he thought she would be like. He was expecting some kind of trollop of some sort, nothing like the good spiritual person that she really is. He finds himself respecting her for the kind person that she is, and finds himself unable to rid her from his thoughts. He even ends up saving her a few times during the book. Grace, well, Grace is a God fearing woman who tries to look on the bright side of her situation. She tries to see it as a chance to minister to Rafe, his crew and people at the places that they stop at. But when no one listens to her, she doesn't really know what to do. They don't even give what she says a second thought.

I say this all the time and I'll say it again, I love how imperfect the main characters are. They're not one sided, a.k.a., all perfect. Rafe, by no means, is perfect. He drinks to drown out the pain and the hurt from his past and always is going after women to spend the night with. Not to mention the fact that he has kidnapped an innocent woman. Grace, I love Grace. She tries to do so much good for other people. When will she realize she needs a spiritual check on herself? Well, let's say she figures it out later in the book.

Well written, it kept me captivated and up in my bunk for nearly an entire morning. I'll give The Raven Saint a rating of 8 stars out of 10.

I Recommend This Series Whole-Heartedly. Add Them To Your Summer Reading List!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bring In The Books: The Red Siren by M. L. Tyndall

Hello, all! So, this book was book one in the series "Charles Towne Belles". I reviewed the second book The Blue Enchantress, because I read that book first. Well, this made everything completely come together, since, after all, this is the first book. Especially Hope and Nathaniel's story of how they didn't even start off on the right foot. 

Faith Wescott is a lady by day and pirate by night. But not just any pirate, the most feared pirate with her ship The Red Siren. It wasn't always hers, though. She swindled it from a man named Dajon Waite. But she doesn't practice piracy for the pleasure of it. It's for her sisters, for their lives, and sometimes it seems, for their survival. Faith has four sisters. Charity, the oldest, Grace and Hope. Charity was left behind in England, for she is married to a brute of a man, while the other sisters and Admiral Wescott go on to America. With that terrible past, Faith has lost her belief in God all together. Faith is doing her best to be the woman of the house and to protect her sisters from the fate that her older sister suffered. Dajon, on the other hand, is just trying to avoid women all together after a bad past that involved a woman.

Now, this is was EXCELLENT. But not as good was The Blue Enchantress. It made me a *leetle* bored at some parts, but over all it was fantastic. I love female protagonists like Faith. She's not your damsel in distress in a tower waiting for Prince Charming to sweep her off her feet. No, not at all. In fact, she'd probably break out of the tower before any knight can even think about rescuing her. She's got spunk, wit and a protective instinct. Dajon, I love you, man. He takes on responsibility of being the guardian to Faith and her sisters, though he tried to back out as soon as he found out. He's calm, compassionate and God fearing. Like, really God fearing. He's got a past that no one knows about and he doesn't want anyone to know about. Especially Faith. So what happens when this fiery red-head who is determined to save her sisters from a cruel future and this man in the navy who has vowed to see all pirates with a noose around their necks fall for each other? Will Faith ever have the courage to tell the man who she robbed of his ships, name and goods the truth? Will Dajon ever be able to tell Faith about his damaged past? You'll have to read the book to find out. Oh yes, and you'll have to meet Sir Wilhelm. Snotty rich guy who wants to make Faith his wife. And he'll do anything to force her into marriage. Even if that means destroying Dajon's name and revealing his past. He complains a lot too, so I can see why Faith didn't want to marry him.

Lucas: Faith's first mate
Molly: Wescott's cook; Lucas' crush
Borland: Dajon's first mate; Friend/Enemy

I loved this book. I loved the characters. I loved Faith. I love this series, because it just shows how much you don't know about a person, how your past don't define you and how God is always there, even through the toughest times. I love seeing characters crumble (in a good way) and how they find the strength to say "Lord, I'm sorry. Please come into my heart." It's touching and I love reading books such as this. Rating: 8/10