Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Words Of Wisdom: Acts 3:19

Acts 3:19

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,

I Hope This Verse Encourages You This Week!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Cozying Up With Cocoa 1-27-14

This is going to be a short segment. I should have my "A Day In The Life" as my "Cozying Up With Cocoa". There's nothing to put, actually. 

The "Polar Vortex" is hitting us again. Surprise, surprise. We have gotten to much snow! And below 0º temperatures. I've had to drag out Old Bessie (our snow blow) everyday! It's a good thing that I love to plow! And that I love cold temps. So, I'm afraid this is all to share. 

Fun Fact: 
I love winter and the cold!

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Day In The Life Of Anna S.

Okay. I don't know why people picked this over the other options, because, trust me: I. Am. A. Boring. Person. But I asked and got my answer. Now I said a 'day' but I'm actually going to have to do four. One for Monday/Thursday/Friday, one for Saturday/Sunday, one for Tuesday and another for Wednesday. This will pretty much be a timeline with little description. There's not much to describe to you.

Saturday/Sunday: Will be in Red
Wednesday: Will be in Blue
Monday/Thursday/Friday= Same Every Day: Will be in Ice Blue
Tuesday= Will mostly be in Ice Blue, but there is a couple things we do different apart from all the other days on Tuesdays. So those couple things will be in Plum

5:07 or 5:08 AM- this is the time when my day starts. I get up drag myself out of my bunk in our tri-bunkbeds. (I share with my two sisters) Then I get dressed and go to the restroom. 

5:14 or 5:17 AM- This is the time where I start my mom's laundry and hit the piano for an hour. (Yes an hour) *sigh

6:14 or 6:17 AM to 11:30 AM - I grab my backpack, a cup of hot chocolate and start school. Then we have to get kids up around 7:00 AM. We fix them breakfast and I go back to school. Why does my school take me forever? First, it was because of how I struggle with math. Now I'm doing well, and I've been doing a week of math in one day. (I'm an excess overkill, don't judge) Then I have my rhetoric, French, vocabulary and my history, which is reading assigned books that are boooorrrrriiinnnngggg. Ahem. 

7:20 AM- Leave for piano.

9:20 AM(?)- Leave from piano and go to the hospital for my weekly allergy shots. I go once a month on winter, once a week in spring, bi-weekly and every three weeks in late summer and autumn.

9:00 AM-10:00 AM- Waking up on weekends. Eat a big family breakfast.

11:30 AM to 12:15 or 12:30 PM- Starting up lunch! Mmmm!!! Mostly grilled cheese, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese orrrrrrr *drum roll LEFTOVERS!! I love leftovers! Except macaroni and cheese. The refrigerator somehow manages to ruin it. 

11:00 AM to about 1:00 PM- Cleaning the house. I mean CLEANING the house. 

12:30- 2:00 PM- I basically fold the laundry, pick up the house and sneak on my phone when possible. 

1:30 PM- Snack time again. Somehow we manage to have four or five meals on the weekends. And somehow we're all still decently sized! :)

2:00 PM- Nap time for the two little girls. That takes forever, because *sigh they are both major stallers!! 

2:15 PM to about 4:00 or 4:30 PM- My dad and little girls take a nap. I usually play on electronics, but will now probably be sewing like crazy. 

2:00 PM to 3:30 or 4:00 (on a good day)- I have a bit of free time in which I used to use doing Pinterest and blogging and every not productive. But now, I'm going to have to use it wisely and sew like crazy for my business. 

4:00 PM to 7:30 PM- We have our YEA! classes every Wednesday for three hours, starting at 4:30 PM. We have to leave the house by 4:00 PM for the drive.

5:00 or 5:15 or 5:30 PM- We start dinner! 

6:30 PM- We sit down for dinner. 

7:30 PM- Baths for kids and a shower for me. 

9:00- PM- Kids go down to sleep. A.K.A. = FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9:45 PM- I get my clothes and the piano ready for the next day.

10:00 PM- Time to go to bed. I usually don't fall asleep until 10:30 PM or so. 

11:30 AM or 12:00 AM- Bed time! (Friday counts in this too!)

So, now you know what a day in the life of Anna S. is. I still don't know why you all wanted to know, but *sigh, here you go. Sorry if it's a disappointment. Though this doesn't seem like my life is very busy, MY LIFE IS HECTIC!!! My mom drives half an hour away to and from the gym where my sister takes gymnastics every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, she drives to piano lessons about twenty minutes away and drives to the hospital for my shots every Tuesday, drives my sister and me to YEA! on Wednesday's, and runs errands while she can. We have a family business and my dad is a full time firefighter, along with working the family business on the side. Our life is hectic, but all in all, I love it! 

Okay, A Day In The Life of Anna S., won the poll. The other two I voted on, because I had to see the results. Weird I know. So now, I'm having another poll between the two of those. Whichever one gets the most votes in the one I'll publish first. I hope you enjoyed seeing what A Day In The Life of Anna S. is like! Au revoir! 

Tell Me What A Typical Day In Your Life Is Like!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Life And Apologies 1-20-13

Hello, everyone. So sorry for the delay in posting! Anyways, I've got so many post ideas. But I'm having a rather hard time deciding which I should post first. So, I'm going to have a quick poll on my blog so you can decide what you want you want me to post first. For sure, Words of Wisdom is going out tomorrow, but my next post will probably be Friday. You can last that long, can't you readers? Anyways, my family is getting sick, or still has it, or is still recovering. I have a stuffy nose, but if you knew me in real life, I'll pull through anything! One of my sisters is the only one who hasn't gotten it yet. But she's not around here at the moment anyways. And, I finally received the zippers I've been waiting on, so onto the sewing!

Here are the options: 
1. A Day In The Life Of Anna S. 
2. Surprise TV Show Review (Can't Tell!)
3. Phantom of the Opera Fanfiction (not my story but I'm needing suggestions and I will be telling about the best stories I've found on Fanfiction.net.)

Sorry for limited options, but these are the ones that I've really wanted to publish. So vote which one you want to hear first. The other two will be decided on the voting stats at the end of my poll which will end Friday.

Anyways, I guess I'm going to make this another "segment" like my "Writings On The White Fence", "Sippin' Sweet Tea/ Cozying Up With Cocoa", "Bring In The Books", "Pass The Popcorn" and my "Let The Music Move You". I'm sure I'll be posting these later on!

And if you follow me on Pinterest, you've probably noticed how I've been going two or three days (or five on a bad week!) without pinning. I have been pinning like crazy, therefore I'm trying to pace and slow myself down. I have a lot of pins and since I don't have much time, I just scroll through the pins and it stops me from pinning them. Though it looks as if I follow nobody, everyone that I follow pins like crazy! So yeah, terribly sorry! So vote in my poll so I know which post you want first!

P.S., this is my 100th post!!!! (London Tipton Voice) Yay Me! :)

Sorry For The Lack Of Posting! I Hope To Grab The Reins Again And Jump Back Into The Saddle Soon Enough. The Last Couple Weeks Have Put Me Far Behind On Pinterest And My Blog. So Sorry!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Words Of Wisdom: 1 Corinthians 16:13

Okay, I seriously apologize for my absence. I've been going crazy finishing my business plan and doing school because I'm leaving for my grandma's house on Thursday and we're packing and, oh my goodness, this week has not been kind to me. I'm hoping to get a post out on Thursday before I leave, because my memory fails to remember if my grandparents have Wifi there. I forget. One moment they did, the other they didn't and I just can't remember. If I don't get a post out on Thursday I might have to wait until Tuesday to post. I'm so sorry. But I believe that I did warn everyone that I would be in over my head with you business and I wouldn't post as much. Bear with me, friends and readers. I'm doing the best I can. When I'm not posting, my head is bubbling with ideas of new posts. I'm working on my Phantom and Joly fan-fiction and and reading fan fiction to get inspired, I'm having a special review of a series that I'm now addicted too, (anyone care to guess? Big hugs to all who get it right or try!) and a post concerning a day in the life of Anna S. Anyways, so sorry for keeping away for a week and you'll probably have to excuse me for another week. I'm so sorry. Inspirational Thursday's will probably start in February, just because I'm feeling stressed as it is, even as I am typing this. So without further ado, the verse of the week: 

1 Corinthians 16:13

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

I Hope That This Verse Inspires You This Week! I'm Sorry For The Week-Long Wait And I'll Do My Best To Get A  Post Out Thursday Before I Leave For Four Days. I Hope You All Are Having A Better Week Than Me!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Words Of Wisdom: Proverbs 18:24

 Proverbs 18:24  

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

So, this verse was inspired by the one and only Kenzie Simmons. She had a wonderful post so GO READ IT!!! 

Anyways, I was wondering something. I have Words of Wisdom for what I call "Truth Tuesday's" and I was wondering if I should have a "Inspirational Thursday". What I mean, is maybe I should have an inspirational quote for someone, famous or not. It may just brighten someone's day. What do you think? 

Do You Think I Should Do "Inspirational Thursday's?" Tell Me What You Think! I Hope This Verse Inspires You This Week To Appreciate That/Those Special Friend(s) In Your Life.

Friday, January 3, 2014

An Interview With Kenzie Simmons

Hey, hey, everyone! So, I have had the pleasure and honor of interviewing one of my Pinterest followers and blogger friends, Kenzie Simmons. She blogs over at her blog called Just A Tennessee Farm Girl. She is an inspiring girl with many great stories *wink *wink. Though she doesn't post all too often *wink, I still anticipate to see what's going on in her life. She's inspirational and such a great girl. She loves the Lord and country music. She's obviously a hard working girl and all in all, she's just amazing. BEWARE: She's a bit like me. Together, we could rule the world! But, then again, the world couldn't handle so much awesomeness. ;)

Ahem, so (drumroll) introducing, Miss Kenzie Simmons. 

P.S. All the answers have come straight from Kenzie's own mouth. (Well, from her comments on Pinterest!)

1. What is your name and age?
My name is Kenzie Simmons, and I'm fifteen years old. 

2. Why and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging on November sixteenth of this year, for different reasons. One - I just like doing that kind of stuff, two - my dear friend, Anna S. inspired me, and three - why not? 

3. What would be an ideal amount of followers on your blog?
I don't really have a desired amount of followers. I mean, it would be nice to have a reasonable amount, but I don't have a set amount. 

4. What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
 I have a lot of favorite Bible verses, but my all-time favorite is Isaiah 41:10. It was introduced to me in a book I was reading, Love's Long Jounrey, so when I came across the reference in the book, I looked it up immediately. It means so much to me because it's a verse about not being afraid because God's protecting me always.

5. What are a few of your talents, characteristics, quirks and favorite colors?
 I'm not too gifted as far as talent goes, but one thing I'm good at is sports. I'm good at 'sports' in general, not just one type of sport. The athletic ability I have is far better than anyone in my immediate family, which is weird because my family has never been athletic in a sense of playing sports. My uncle played football and my aunt played softball, that's it. So, I have no idea where I got my athleticism from. My characteristics are all related to just being an introvert, as far as personality characteristics go. But, my physical characteristics are "plain jane." I have shoulder-length reddish-brown hair, dark brown eyes, freckles, full red lips, dimples (which my sister is very envious of), and I'm right handed. My quirks include grunting at random and not realizing it, tasting my soup before I salt it (don't ask), and I have a bad habit of spinning my ring on my finger. My favorite colors are dusky blue, forest green, and 'burnt' orange, if you will. 

6. Who are your favorite bands/artists?
I cannot name my favorite bands/artists because I love music so much. Like, I mean I love my favorites all so much I can't choose one! So, just to kinda give you and idea, I like any country (classic, prime, and new), classic rock, bluegrass, and I'm picky about my pop/hip hop. 

7. What would be your ideal vacation in the winter? A cozy log cabin in the woods, but near town or a beach house and the ocean as your backyard? 
My dream winter vacation would be going to Australia (or any other naturally hot places like that), and staying from November to April. I am not a cold weather person at all, so any tropical/outback escape sounds good to me when it's cold up here in the States. 

8. What is your ideal footwear? Flip-flops/Sandals, boots, tennis shoes, high heels or no shoes at all?
My ideal footwear is boots. Not the "dipped in glitter fairy kickers," but cowboy/riding boots, work boots, or barn boots. I will wear tennis shoes sometimes during warm weather, but I prefer boots over anything. 

9. What do you want to do with your life when you grow up?
I want to be a livestock contractor for the PBR. I have a passion for bull riding, and since I can't ride bulls professionally, I want to do something that keeps me involved with it. Not only that, but it'll keep me centered around the agricultural aspect of life that I was raised around. 

10. If God could show you a glimpse of the past or future which would you want to see, what would you want to see in that time and why?
I believe I'd like to get a glimpse of my future, specifically around the time of my wedding and starting a family. I'd just like to know ahead of time so I can adjust and change things now in order to suit the life I'll lead with that special guy The Lord is saving for me, and just to prepare myself for the craziness I'm sure my kids will bring into my life.

And, I also did a bonus question!!! 

11. If you were a character in the Wizard Of Oz, would you be the scarecrow, lion, or tin man? P.S., Dorothy and Toto don't count. :)

I would be the Cowardly Lion. If there's one thing I need, it's courage.

So, I would like to thank Miss Kenzie Simmons for generously letting me interview her! It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed seeing your answers, immensely. They made me laugh and they made me gawk on some occasions! By the way, I tried to pair up your answers for your favorite colors for the post and the header. I hope I came close enough. Blogger doesn't give the widest amount of font color options! :) 

Kenzie: What Do You Think Of Your Interview? 
For Everyone: I Hope You Enjoyed Reading The Interview, And A Question For All Y'all Reading This: Should I Do An Interview On Myself? 
If You Would Like To Be Interviewed, Comment On This Post In The Comments Section. I Will Gladly Interview You.